Lumecca IPL Post Care
IPL Treatment Instructions Normal Post-Treatment Reactions:
DAY 1-7: The healing time for any given treatment varies between different clients. The following represents the general recovery phases you might expect. Individual clients may experience variations from this course.
• Pigment IPL treatment - Browning / darkening of the pigment, purplish or black tint to dark pigment (crusting of the pigment over a few days, crusting flakes off), erythema and edema lasts approximately 3 - 7 days
• Vascular lesion IPL treatment - Blanching of the vessel, greying of the vessel, deep purple or blackening of the vessel (over the course of a few days the damaged tissue will be broken down and absorbed). Lasts approximately 3 - 7 days
• Swelling/Discomfort/Redness - Significant swelling and redness of the treated areas and untreated parts may occur following your procedure and will be maximal at 24-48 hours. It is not uncommon for clients to have their under-eye area swollen for the first 1 to 2 days, but this swelling will subside. There will be redness and very minimal warm emanating from the area for the first 24 hours (feels like a mild sunburn). You should notify us if you experience pain that is severe or excessive, as this is unusual.
You may experience temporary redness, swelling and/or itching that could last up to a week.
If the symptoms persist for more than one week, please contact our office.
• Activity - Post resurfacing discomfort is mild, and you may return to regular activities immediately. It is advised that you avoid hot baths, saunas, Jacuzzis and pools for the first two days following treatment (bacteria in them can cause an infection). It is best to avoid apply ice or cooling compresses as the heat response is the body’s natural healing response. However, if extreme heat or discomfort is evident, use cold compresses to sooth the area.
• Moisturizer - Moisturizer may be applied only 24 hours after each treatment, and then should be applied regularly throughout the course of the treatment.
• Make-up - After 24 hours, most clients are ready for make-up to hide the pinkness of the skin. It is important that you remove all make up that is applied to the skin at night. Do not sleep with make up on the treated area.
• Sun Avoidance - Sun avoidance should become a permanent component of your long-term skin care program. Always use an SPF 30 or greater. Sun exposure, tanning beds and artificial sunless tanning lotions are not allowed in the treated areas during the course of the treatment.
• Long-term Skin Care - In addition to sun avoidance, we suggest all clients use long-term skin care that will optimize the youthful, rejuvenated appearance you have achieved. We offer lots of medical grade skincare to help with your skincare journey.
• Warning Signs - The following are some of the symptoms that should alert you to the possibility of an impending or existing complication and you should contact the clinic. Infection - Infection may be present if you notice: Increased (rather than decreasing) facial swelling after the first 24-36 hours.
Redness spreading beyond the area of resurfacing that is warm and tender to touch
Post-IPL Home Care Regime Day 1-7
• Refrain from exposure to hot baths, saunas, Jacuzzis and pools for the first two days following treatment
• Use a moisturizer on treated area post-procedure
• Always use sunscreen SPF 30 or greater on treated area even if it’s a cloudy day
• Remain out of the sun for the duration of the treatment and wear adequate sun protection
• Blisters or ulcerated skin can be treated with prescribed antibiotic ointment
• Keep scabs soft with lubrification cream and avoid picking or scrubbing them off, allow for natural exfoliation / peeling of the skin to occur